Enrichment Week 2025
We are delighted to confirm that during the week of Monday 23rd – Friday 27th June 2025, students in Years 7, 8 and 9 will take part in the school’s Enrichment Week.
Enrichment is an important and rewarding week during the school year, as it is an opportunity for students to challenge themselves with new experiences, work alongside their peers and further develop positive relationships with students and colleagues.
During the week, all students will have the opportunity to go on at least one off-site trip. The trips have been chosen to provide students with fun, exciting and rewarding activities that develop new skills.
On-site activities will be based around different curriculum areas. Further information on curriculum activities will follow shortly.
We regard these days as an important part of your child’s education. We, therefore, expect full attendance and for families to follow normal procedures regarding absences.
Non-Uniform - please note that for the week of 23rd -27th June, students are permitted to wear non-school uniform. Clothing is expected to be suitable for a range of activities and so practical footwear is recommended.
Please note, Friday 27th June will be a half day, early finish for all students.
Enrichment Week Overview
This is an exciting week where the curriculum is enriched by providing students with activities that cannot normally take place in an average day. A range of enrichment activities, both here at school and local venues, will take place over the week.
Enrichment Week Trips
Over the week, all students will have the opportunity to go on at least one off-site trip.
Rye College staff will attend and support our students on all trips.
All trips include coach travel to and from Rye College.
Students will be invited to submit which trip(s) they would like to be involved in via the online survey that will be shared with families for completion. Please note Pupil Premium students receive ONE discounted trip - any other trips requested will be charged at the full trip price.
Please click hereto view the Trips that are on offer this year.
Trip Selection - What do I need to do?
1 |
On Monday, 24th February 2025, this microsoft form will be sent directly to families to indicate the trips your child is interested in. All responses must be submitted by Friday, 28th February 2025. This early deadline will allow for trips to be confirmed and secured sooner rather than later. Failure to submit by the deadline will mean your child may not be able to participate in a trip. |
2 |
Once we have received all submissions, we will confirm the lists for all of the trips by Wednesday, 5th March 2025. To ensure fairness, we will conduct a ballot to randomly select places on all trips. If your child successfully gains a place on a trip, you will be contacted with the relevant follow-up information. Trip lists will also be published in school. A waiting list will be maintained for each trip. If your child does not wish to take up their place on a trip, you have until Wednesday, 12th March to let us know. Any places that become available will be offered to the next student on the waiting list. |
3 | Once the 12th March deadline has passed, we will confirm the final lists for all of the trips. You will receive confirmation which will include a payment deadline. Trip payments will not be visible on ParentPay until final confirmations have gone out. We ask that all payments are made in full by the stated deadline, otherwise your child's place will be forfeited and offered to the next student on the waiting list. |
4 | The final date for all trip payments to be received is Tuesday, 22nd April. |
Enrichment Week Letters to Families
Enrichment Week 2025 Launch Letter to Families 13th February 2025
Enrichment Week Trips Letter 24th February 2025
Important Dates

Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to our FAQ section! Here you'll find answers to the most common questions we receive. If you can't find the information you're looking for, please email office@ryecollege.co.uk.
Q. What happens if I do not submit my child’s trip preferences in time?
If we do not receive your child’s preferences by 3:30pm on this date, your child may not be able to participate in a trip.
Q. What happens if I have more than one child at the school?
There is space on the electronic survey form to submit preferences for more than one child.
Q. Will my child be able to undertake all their preferred trip choices?
Every student will be offered at least one trip. We will try to accommodate as many preferences as we can, but it is likely some students will be allocated a different trip if their original choices are oversubscribed.
Q. What happens if a trip is oversubscribed?
A ballot will be held to randomly select places on all trips. If your child successfully gains a place on a trip, you will be contacted with the relevant follow-up information.
Q. What happens if my child decides to change their choice after trip places are allocated?
We encourage students to discuss the trips with their friends in the first instance. Once your child has an idea of their selection, they should complete the survey form with their parents to ensure that everyone is happy with the selection made, eliminating the need for change.
Once trip places have been allocated, lists will be put up in school on Wednesday, 5th March so that students can check which trip they are on. You will be contacted with your child’s allocated place.
If your child decides they do not want to take up the place allocated, you should let the school know by Wednesday, 12th March. In this circumstance, we cannot guarantee that another trip can be offered, so it’s important that students choose trip(s) that interest them.
Q. What happens if I do not pay the trip fees for a trip in time?
If your child has successfully gained a place on a trip, you will receive confirmation which will include a payment deadline. If payment has not been made by the stated deadline, your child will lose their place and it will be given to another student.
The deadline for all trip payments to be made in full is Tuesday, 22nd April 2025.
Q. If I cannot afford the price of a trip, is there any support the school can provide?
If your child receives Pupil Premium funding, a subsidy of £25 is available, which can be used for one trip only.
Q. My child has changed their mind and no longer wants to go on a trip that they are already allocated to, can they select a new trip?
If you and your child have already committed to another trip and you decide to forfeit their place, any money you have paid will not be refunded, as per the school’s policy. In this circumstance, we cannot guarantee that a place on another trip can be offered but your child could be added to the waiting list for another trip.