Rye College

Young Carers

Support for young carers

If you feel that your child is a young carer for you or another member of your family, then support can be accessed from the organisation - East Sussex Young Carers.

East Sussex Young Carers is funded by East Sussex County Council and supports Young Carers aged 5-18 who are responsible for caring for a family member with a long-term illness, disability, mental health or substance misuse issue.

If you feel you would like the school to make a referral to this organisation then please email the school office stating that you would like a referral to Young Carers. This will be forwarded to Mrs Nice (Assistant Headteacher/Inclusion Leader) who will be happy to help.

For further information you can also contact the Imago Young Carers Hub directly through the following means:

The Imago YC Hub is available for you to call Monday - Friday 9-5pm to talk about Young Carers’ needs and can provide information, advice and signposting.